Thursday, August 26, 2010

When I call on Jesus...

so today was just an amazing day. I really can't explain it but basically we spent a lot of time talking about about our testimonies and how to write them and more importantly, how powerful they are.
I couldn't stop smiling. Ask anyone in class, it took a lot in me to not cry actually. I just can't believe how amazing no, how marvelous... no, there are no words to describe God's greatness. We spent the afternoon talking about worship and I was remembering this one time being late at work when I worked at a golf course and seeing the sun set and the clouds and the song "Reedemer" by Nicole C Mullen popped in my head which was random cause I hadn't heard it in a long time (its old school) but I was just looking back on how depressed I use to be and how changed my life was since I fully surrendered my life to God and it just blew my mind.
So tonight our assignment was to write out my testimony and I, again, just couldn't help but smile and tear up. God showed me the verse in Jeremiah 1:5 that "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." It doesn't necessarily mean that Im going to be a prophet, but it does mean that he set me apart... ME! He knows me and loves me so much that he has something so special for me. He has something so special for all of us and he has set each of us apart.
I went and bought the song "Reedemer" and ended up buying another song from Nicole C Mullens called "When I call on Jesus" I'm not sure if you have heard of it but I wanted to share the lyrics with you and if you have time... listen to it. It's super powerful!
I'm so very ordinary
Nothing special on my own
I have never walked on water
I have never calmed a storm
Sometimes I'm hiding away from the madness around me
Like a child who's afraid of the dark

But when I call on Jesus
All things are possible
I can mount on wings like eagles and soar
When I call on Jesus
Mountains are gonna fall
'Cause He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call

Weary brother
Broken daughter
Widowed, widowed lover
You're not alone
If you're tired and scared of the madness around you
If you can't find the strength to carry on

But when you call on Jesus
All things are possible
You can mount on wings like eagles and soar
When you call on Jesus
Mountains are gonna fall
'Cause He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue you when you call

Call Him in the mornin'
In the afternoon time
Late in the evenin'
He'll be there
When your heart is broken
And you feel discouraged
You can just remember that He said
He'll be there

Have a good night everyone!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Steve Murrell

So sorry its been a while since I've updated, it's been a pretty busy week.
First of all Saturday our church was helping out at this family fun day which consisted of a bunch of booths, a petting zoo with a llama!, pony rides, the best kettle corn ever, and some live music. It was pretty fun. I'm not gonna lie though, I was super tired. However, they stuck me in the kitchen and I was able to serve in there and that definitely gave me some energy to make it through.
Sunday's service was pretty amazing. We had our Every Nation president Steve Murrell here sharing about trying to hit the bulls-eye but sometimes when we miss it's because God has something else planned for us. He talked about things that distract us from God sometimes they aren't bad things but they are simple things.
Pastor Steve also taught our class yesterday and today and focused on the idea of discipleship. It was pretty spectacular. He taught us to stick with simplicity when it comes to making disciples. Its the same boring strokes but its effective. We should always and only be focusing on these 4 things engage, establish, equip, and empower. He also gave us a free copy of his book "Accidental Missionary" which I highly recommend for everyone. I started reading it and its so basic but good. Basically everything he taught us is in the book so that kind of helps. haha.
We had our youth executive meeting tonight and went over new strategies with the youth service and discipling them. We also discussed the middle school ministry and I found out more about what I'm specifically going to be doing with my internship. I'm super excited! I don't know the exact details but I will let you guys know as things unravel.
This week marks our 4th week of school. Super crazy to think I've already been here for a month. Over 1/4 of the way done. woot woot!
Well, I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you sooo much for all your prayers and support. KNow that your support is already impacting soo many.
Love you guys!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


So, today we continued a discussion about evangelism. It was pretty amazing if I might say so myself.
Most of my life, I hated the idea of evangelism. I thought evangelism meant I had to be that guy on the street trying to convince people that Jesus is the way, when really thats not the case at all. Evangelism is just being able to go out and build relationships with people.
There were a couple of really good points today that I thought I would share with you guys.
FIrst of all, the idea that its not just someone who is called for evangelism. Anyone can do it.
A quote that was in my notes says "The chief agents in the expansion of Christianity appear not to have been those who made it a profession... but men and women who carried on their livelihood in the purely secular manner and spoke their faith to those they met in this natural fashion."
It's a lifestyle.
We also focused on the idea of culture. There are 4 different views of culture.
The first is that people think that Jesus is against culture. This is when we see Christians that stay in their Christian bubble social groups and never engage in society.
The second is Christ in culture. This is when we get so into the world that there is nothing distinct about our lives.
The third is that Christ is above culture meaning that man has 2 lives. The physical one and the spiritual one. This view is somewhat true but it doesn't show the idea that God can use a culture.
Which brings us to the next one... God can use a culture. This is when God uses the culture to reveal our personal depravity and need for salvation. The problem is that there is no room for God to transform culture.
The last view is that GOd transforms culture. This is how we need to think. God created the world good and though sin has corrupted it, it can be redeemed by God's power.
I love this idea. I think a lot of churches and individuals have forgotten about this concept... being in the world not of it and that God can redeem it.
One final thought is the idea that evangelism isn't just one certain way of presenting. There are essential things that need to be said but really you can change it to fit the individuals need. I love this quote that says " Do not bring us the Gospel as a potted plant. Bring us the seed of the Gospel and plant it in our soil."
So I just want to encourage those of you who might be like me, scared of rejection or viewed evangelism as this absurd thing. Really, its just sharing life with someone and building that relationship with someone who may have never had a true friend before.
Anyways, tomorrow we have Greg Mitchell speaking to us about transformations and getting healing. Im excited to hear what he has to say.

Good night everyone!

Monday, August 16, 2010

3 day update

Hey guys!
Sorry its been a couple of days since I've updated this thing... I'll just briefly update you guys on the past 3 days.
So, Friday night we had our youth service campus rally. It was pretty sweet. We had all the high schools and middle schools in the area represented with their school colors and had a great time. The worship team did an amazing job and Pastor Kei had a great message about hearing God's voice. I've definitely been learning a lot already about great way to reach out.
Saturday morning we had a 3 hour class led by Steven Mansfield and it was sooo good. We learned about changing your mindset about the Kingdom of God. Most people thing that the Kingdom of God is in the church and we as Christians have to step out of the kingdom, when really the Kingdom is everywhere and the church is just a unit in it. It was a good reminder of how we shouldn't just think that we should aspire to be ministers in the church but we should have the mindset that whatever we do, we are in God's will.
Sunday we had church in the morning and at night Steven Mansfield talked about being free from fear. It was super powerful!
Today, Im just enjoying my sabbath by relaxing and watching some movies!
This week our guest speaker is Steve Murell who is the president of Every Nation Ministries so he will be speaking for 3 or so days.
So hope you are all doing well.
Love you guys!
For those of you don't don't know who Steven Mansfield is, or just want to know more... here is his website.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Steven Mansfield

Hello everyone,
so its been a couple of days since I've been on here but I've had some crazy long days. The past couple of days our class has had the privilege of having Steven Mansfield speak to our class about apologetics and the approach to different religions. Its been amazing! We have just been learning a ton of things about so many religions; hinduism, buddhism, Mormonism, Christian Science, Islam, and this sort of new age thinking of picking and choosing a bunch of different religions. I also was able to sit in on his wife's class this evening on song writing and the power of worship.
I'm excited that tomorrow is Friday though. We are having a campus rally for our youth service tomorrow night and so Ill definitely update everyone on how it goes.
Alrighty gang, sorry this is a short one but I'm super tired.
Love you guys!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

snorkeling, A bugs life, and an epic day!

So I feel like there are so many little things to update you on starting with yesterday.
Just to update some fun things from yesterday. I think most of you saw the pictures but just in case you didn't, 2 of my classmates took me to North Shore which is the northwest point of the island. We got to a certain point where most people stop but we went off roading slash 4 wheeling. It was sooo much fun, I had never done that before. We got to the point and we literally were able to see all of the west shore of the island and the north shore... it was gorgeous. Then as we were driving back, we stopped at this little cove and the water was sooo clear we ended up going snorkeling. My first time snorkeling thank you very much and it was super fun. So that was yesterday.
Now today was filled with really great classes on small groups and sharing the gospel. We learned a lot of great methods to small group and how a healthy group should look like. Part of our assignment was to pick a movie and relate it to our human desire for something more. I was super excited about the assignment cause if you know me, I love movie references and relating it to what Jesus is teaching me... especially Disney references.
So I thought it would be fun to share what I came up with on here.
Naturally I picked a Disney movie... A Bugs Life to be exact.

In A Bug’s Life, Flick is part of an ant colony who have been brought up thinking that there whole world is only within ant island and whatever they perceive is only what they can see. They want more in life but don’t think its possible. They are controlled by an evil force (the grasshoppers) who are making sure that they are distracted from their full potential and purpose in life. We also have a group of "circus" bugs who are being controlled by their boss who happens to be a flea. Both groups are searching for something more in life. They don't seem happy and satisfied in life. Its not until Flick goes out of his comfort zone and finds warrior bugs (who are really the circus bugs) that help him and his colony fight evil and realize what they were made to do. Its like that with God. He has given us a purpose in life and we may not be able to see it at first and we may have other forces distracting us, but there really is a purpose for each and every one of us and its not until we take that leap of faith and go out of our comfort zone that God will open our eyes to what he has planned for us.

Anyways, Im excitd about tomorrow. We have an amazing speaker coming to speak for the net couple of days. Steven Mansfield will be here from Nashville so hopefully Ill have some good things to report tomorrow.
Have a great evening everyone!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

on fire

ok this is gonna be a short one cause Im up WAYYY past my bedtime but I couldn't go to sleep without posting this.
So first of all, we had another great day learning about missions and people's worldview. It was really intriguing. I'm excited to read and learn more about it! We also had a good time reflecting on the week. I'm really just started to love our group of 9 in the class. Its just amazing to see 9 completely different people all come together.
Anyways, tonight I went to youth service. I went last week but honestly didn't pay that much attention cause I went right after landing and was super tired. This week though was just amazing. The youth at this church are truly on fire! Not just within the 4 walls of the building but in their schools and homes. Its amazing to hear this young kids being persistent and praying for their generation. Also, looking out and seeing hundreds of high schoolers and middle school teens jumping up and down, throwing their hands in the air, and completely worshipping Jesus... man, I was just in awe of how amazing God truly is. Tomorrow I have the day off so im gonna work out, do a little homework, and maybe hang with some friends. Im excited to rest a little though. Its definitely been a long but GRAND week.
Thanks again for all your prayers and support. Like, I said before, God has already been doing amazing things since I've been here and it wouldn't have happened without you guys!
Love you and good night!
P.S. here is my random food comment that seem to be more of a regular thing. haha
One of the guys Shawn Silva... oh man, his mama made the most heavenly cornbread my mouth has ever tasted. I think the clouds parted when I bit into it. I was joking that I could preach on the amazing taste of this cornbread but Billy said I should just write it on here so I did. haha
ok, I'm officially done now. Hope you all have an amazing weekend.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

today's random thoughts

so my first week is almost over and I am just filled with every time of emotion you can think of.
I have feelings of relief, overwhelming feelings, grateful ones, scared ones... and probably more. haha.
Today class was an amazing one, we focused on relationships and leadership. How to we maintain boundaries, how to handle healthy confrontations with people, and how to have people in your life that will truly mirror who you are (basically meaning someone who will tell you the truth and not sugar coat who you are). We had some great discussions and I learned so much. God definitely used today to truly shed light on a lot of my insecurities, fear of rejection, and people pleasing. I also realized that I have a tendency of not finishing everything that I start and if I do finish things... sometimes I don't finish strong. I made a commitment today to change that. I truly want to spend this net season of my life disciplining my body physically and spiritually. I want to run this race with no regrets. And with all that Im going to be learning, I want to be able to truly take it and apply it to my life without any weak areas preventing me from doing so.
So I'm counting on all of you to keep me accountable. haha.
Also, we spent time in our discussion talking about the one person that had the most influence in bringing us to this school of ministry. I wanted to take a moment and honor my person on here.
I actually couldn't just pick one cause there were 2 names that instantly popped out. Kim Ortiz and Blanca Ma. Since the first day I met both of these women I have had so much respect for them. They made my move to L.A. so easy. They are woman of grace and patience and wisdom. Both of these women have helped me in my entire journey/ adventure I've taken this past year and when my youth pastor (Kim's husband) approached me about coming to Hawaii, both of these women gave me such encouragement and wisdom to go. I look up to them so much and I just feel so honored to be able to call them my best friends.
So thank you Kim and Blanca for all that you do!
thats all folks! Until next time.
P.S. I posted a few pictures from my run on facebook. I didn't bring my camera cause I was an idiot but I attempted to capture the beauty from my phone. Seriously though, its just like the stories you hear about a hard journey but the reward being worth it. Well let me tell you, running 30 min up a steep hill is torture but the view is probably the most breathtaking views Ive ever seen. Totally worth every pain I experienced getting there.
Love you guys!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

sushi and mountain conquering

Day 2 completed and man was it filled with a lot of information.
First of all, I will proudly say that I woke up early and conquered the hill I live on during my workout... the view at the top was gorgeous and I think i might bring my camera one of these days. I also conquered my first sushi experience. I had salmon and some other sort of raw fish but it actually wasn't that bad. I finished 3 out of 5 different kinds so go me. hahaha...
but anyways, back to todays class.
Today we spent the entire day talking about the fundamentals of Leadership; the foundations of character, the task and challenge of leadership, executing the leadership process, and teamwork. I really loved every aspect of it. It was definitely a challenging topic cause it broke every worldly idea of leadership in the sense that whatever position we are in, its Gods. And in order to grow to a higher place you need to focus on your foundations. Part of breaking and making foundations is shedding light on our weaknesses. One of my favorite quotes from today is that God will privately process our soul before he publicly platforms our gifts. I was definitely aware of mine and loved how we were able to process and start working through some of the areas.
We also focused on the idea of servanthood. I love this idea. I think its so true how a leader should serve not be serve. We shouldn't have the mindset of entitlement, leadership is rooted in servanthood.

First day

so today was our official first day of the school of ministry.
Man, God did soooo much already in just one day. We basically just jumped right in after a quick orientation of what the semester will look like. We started with an appropriate topic; time management skills. Definitely something I need improving on but the class actually helps. We learned how to prioritize everything and organize all our obligations in a manner that actually works. We also spent a good chunk of time talking about setting goals. I was pretty excited about this part. I have been really praying lately for God to give me a specific goal of what he wants me to do with the passions that I have and today, we took the time to write out 3 long term goals and 3 short term goal with each long term one. It was actually pretty amazing how quickly and clearly God showed me what specific areas he wanted me to focus on.
Next, we talked about missions, more specifically we talked about reaching a certain people group. I really enjoyed this section. We learned about how each of us, depending on what we want to do, have a different area of focus in reaching a certain people group. I, for example, realized that I want to focus more on lower income hispanic youth. Obviously, I wont only reach that group of people but since that has been my background growing up and since most of the Los Angeles area is made up of hispanics, I'm thinking that might be where I should focus.
Tomorrow is another long day and Im excited to just continue diving in on every opportunity that will be presented here.
Off to sleep.
Thanks again for all your support and prayers!
P.S. So, apparently there are a ton of foods Ive never eaten before so the guys are making a list of foods I have to try before I leave. Tomorrow is sushi day so for all my Morning Star people who have been judging me with my lack of sushi experience... tomorrow is the day! haha. Ill try and update the different foods Ive eaten on here too. Hey! YA! That would be kind of fun I think.
ok. Good night again.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Welcome Party

so tonight was the welcome party and it was pretty spectacular. We had some good Hawaiian BBQ, played wii, and just hung out. It was great getting to fellowship with everyone and spending time with my classmates. I posted a few pictures on facebook if you want to check them out.!/album.php?aid=237830&id=515516054&ref=mf

Monday, August 2, 2010

a random blog...

soo, i decided that my blog will and can be whatever I want it to be and since there is nothing too big to update for today, I found this old facebook questionnaire thingy about myself that I did several years ago that I thought would be fun for you to read. Some things on here haven't changed... actually most haven't.
But, just a little update first... yesterday I attended the morning service and evening college service. It was pretty spectacular. I also was able to meet the other students that will be in my class. Apparently its like all guys and just one other girl so that will be interesting. haha. Tonight is the welcome party/ get together then class officially starts tomorrow.

1) According to my sister I have an overly dramatic laugh and no matter how funny something is, I laugh my dramatic laugh and freak some people out.
2) I am like freakishly scared of certain types of doorknobs. Like sometimes, I have to leave doors open or have someone else open hem for me cause I'm scared they might shatter or be extremely hot.
3) Whenever I can, I still try to watch Arthur everyday at 4:00 on PBS. By far one of the best shows ever! Everyday when your walking down the street.... oh man, good times with that aardvark!
4) When I was little I was told that I was singing songs (mostly Raffi) before I could talk. I think thats why I love music and musicals so much.
5) I took ballet for like 5 min but when I found out that I would have to be a reindeer I got scared and ran away.
6) When I was little me and my friend would pretend to switch siblings because she had a brother and I had a sister and I always wanted to have a brother and she always wanted to have a sister.
7) I have never been able to finish the movie Fantasia, that last segment freaks me out.
8) I've been to 14 different states and 2 different countries
9) One of my favorite things to do is go into random places, like bathrooms, with friends and eavesdrop on their spanish conversations and listen to most of them making fun of other people.
10) I love to cook. Ever since I was little I wanted to be a chef and even though I'm teaching now, I would still like to go to culinary school and be a chef on the weekends or something.
11) When I was in sixth grade I was in a acting/modeling school and was discovered by someone and was asked if I wanted to move to L.A. I politely replied "no", and that was the end of my acting career... it was so random.
12) I am in love with all things Disney and I don't care what anyone says, Disneyland truly is the happiest place on Earth. Oh man, just thinking about it makes me happy.
13) When it comes to music and movies, I am a pretty easy person to please. I pretty much like anything and sometimes that annoys people.
14) When I was in like 4th grade I won a goldfish from the fair and didn't have a fish bowl to put it in so I placed it in a cup and my mom accidently drank it.
15) The song "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" when sung by Judy Garland is by far the best christmas song ever! I listen to it year round and every time it gives me goosebumps.
16) One night in like forever ago a had the most random dream ever. I dreamt the song "There's a Hole in my Bucket" and I was liza and I had suspenders on and this other random guy was henry and we were in like some hut in a jungle talking southern and singing this ridiculously boring song to each other.